Upskilling and Reskilling: Meaning and Relevance

Sep 20, 2021

The evolution of technology ignites issues alarming laborers, questioning whether Automation and AI would negatively impact the traditional workforce. The good news is businesses still are willing to invest in their employees despite automation. Now what you want is for these businesses to want to keep you with them. How? We will get there at the later part of this article.

Not only are people now concerned about Automation and AI, but the current global pandemic created dreadful mayhem economically worldwide. The figure of unemployment insurance claims in the US skyrocketed to a record-breaking number of over 40 million. What is worse is it appears to be a permanent layoff for most of these affected populations.

If you regard both matters, upskilling and reskilling would be an answer for you to keep yourself afloat. Is your industry or your employer struggling in this new reality? Are you afraid to lose your job? Or are you looking for a new job? These questions could have been what brought you here.

The loss many had the past year since the pandemic was enormous; but grieving for too long will not do anyone any good. It is best to focus on a solution. Don’t you agree? We want to let you know good intentions led you here. You may be in a situation where you are in between deciding to upskill, or reskill, or neither. Spoiler alert! This entire article will give you all the reasons why you need to do either or both.

What are Upskilling and Reskilling?

Upskilling is refining or improving your knowledge and skills in the current area where you are at, whereas reskilling is learning new skills for you to do a different function. Upskilling allows you to improve or be better in what you do. Reskilling opens more opportunities for you to be flexible and transition to other job roles.

Benefits of Upskilling and Reskilling

Come to think of it. We find no reason for anyone not to push themselves to do better and be better. Upskilling and reskilling bring you many advantages and promises on what you grab out there. Learning new skills brings you options while sharpening your skills and expanding your knowledge opens doors to higher-level roles on any career track you are a part of.

Which skills should you think of?

The world we live in today, is more than ever connected via Online solutions. This is a trend which is going to continue for decades. There are some core skills enabling individuals and businesses both, to be able to create, reach, offer and sell their products and services, whatever their offerings are, in this world of Online Businesses. Some of these core skills you should reskill yourself in are:

  • Web coding. If you got plenty of patience and time, coding experience and background will fill your plate. But if you do not see yourself doing coding, learning the functions of what you find in website builders is one of the most important skills for almost any individual. Learning the basics of website builders could suffice some client skill requirements.

  • Basics of social media. Social media is not only for posting your selfies and viral stories. But you too could use it in creating a personal brand and audience. This audience can be in the domain of your core occupation or in a completely different domain. Your social media accounts have more functions than you think there are in them. In fact, social media is one of the essential tools in businesses nowadays.

  • Building web shops and online learning tools or communication tools. If you happen to sell products you made or resell products produced by others, or you have a skill you can teach others, or if you can help others in solving a personal or business problem, you do not need to know programming to create your online presence. You can use ready-made solutions by creating webshop, web courses and more.

  • Conversion funnels and Marketing automation. Educating and training yourself with these skillsets allow you to not only organize someone else’s work but could also help you build your very own business.

Why to choose these skills? Because they are the core skills enabling both solo entrepreneurs and businesses of any size, generate sales in a connected world. And a skill directly helping sales, is a vital one today and forever.


Whether you decide to be an entrepreneur or be a part of a corporate, the importance of upskilling and reskilling can no longer be dismissed by you, yourself, nor by any employer. Some employers choose to upskill their staff, keeping them in the company while improving productivity and efficiency at work. Some corporates are now giving time and budget on their employees’ continuous learning to meet high-demand skills whether they are upskilling current talents or completely developing a new skill set and expertise.

An entrepreneur, a corporate, or any individual must ensure learning initiatives are tailored to meet relevant future business objectives. Remember this. You are not to upskill nor reskill only to compete with others, but to compete with the older version of yourself. You can sell yourself to opportunities with every new skill set you work hard for. Upskilling and reskilling are investments no one can steal from you.

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